Systematic positioningerrors and electromyographic activity of muscles in the human single-joint movements
N.V. Bulgakova, A.N. TaL.nov, A.P. MeL.nichouk, A.I. Kostyukov.
Ін-т фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України,Київ

Accuracy of positioning was studied on the elbow joint
movements in healthy adult humans. Individual trials consisted
of the conditioning and test movements (CM, TM) produced
with visual guidance and without it, correspondingly. The
two types of CMs included a phase of slow movement (flex-
ion - P1, or extension - P2) to the same target position (500 in
the most experiments). P1 and P2 CMs started, corres-
pondingly, from the full extension position (00), or after pre-
liminary flexion (1000). Subjects were asked to remember the
target position during CMs and to reproduce it in TM. The
experiments have shown that position errors depend on the
type of CMs. The subjects overestimated the target position,
the errors were more significant in TMs produced after P2
CMs as compared with P1 CMs. Full-wave rectified, aver-
aged EMGs were compared for the two types of CMs. In
flexors the dynamic phases of EMG activity were statistically
greater in P1 than in P2 CMs (a group of 25 subjects), while
the stationary components of EMG did not differ. Possible
mechanisms of the position errors are discussed. It is sug-
gested that after-effects in the activity of muscle spindles may
be the main source for the position errors.
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