The role of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins in the developmentof changes of endothelium-dependent reactions of heart and vesselsat experimental diabetes mellitus
O.D.prysyazhna, V.F.sagach.
Ін-т фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України, Київ
The influence of mitochondrial uncoupling protein genipin on
endothelium-dependent reaction of vessels, heart contractility
and myocardial oxygen consumption was studied at strepto-
zotocin-induced rat model of diabetes mellitus. The partial
restoration of damaged at diabetes mellitus vascular reactions
as well as decrease of myocardial oxygen consumption has been
shown after intraperitoneal injection of genipin. For example,
after the introduction of 10 mg / kg genipin were shown a par-
tial restoration of endothelium-dependent dilatation of aorta and
coronary vessels, increase of contractive strength-dependent
responses of vascular smooth muscle, decrease of portal vein
isolated strips stiffness, the improvement of contractive proper-
ties and decrease of myocardial stiffness. These data suggest a
possible role for mitochondrial uncoupling protein in the devel-
opment of changes of heart and vascular responses observed
at experimental diabetes mellitus
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