State of intracellular signaling systems under endothelialdysfunction
М.E. Barinova, О.N. Sulayeva.
To estimate the state of different parts of intracellular signaling
system associated with NO production after a 2-adrenoreceptors
stimulation under endothelial dysfunction in 22 patients with dia-
betic foot, the inhibitory analysis of clophelin-induced platelets
aggregation modulation by administration of eNOS stimulator
(L-arginin) and inhibitor (L-NAME), modulator of Са-
calmoduline (triphtazine), guanilate cyclase stimulator (sodium
nitroprusside), inhibitors of phosphodiesterases (theophillinum)
and protein kinase А (butamide). It was shown that endothelial
dysfunction in patients with diabetic foot is associated with al-
teration of adrenoreactivity and inhibition of eNOS, guanilate
cyclase, protein kinase A and stimulation of phosphodiesterases
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.