Influence of mitogen-activated protein kinases and transcriptional factor c-Fos on estradiol signal transduction in the rat adrenocorticocytes
O.I. Kovzun.
Signal transduction mechanisms mediating estradiol regulatory
signals in the adrenal cortex were studied in rats. The effect of
estradiol benzoate treatment on corticosteroids secretion, levels
of ERK1/2, JNK, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases, tran-
scription factors с-Jun and с-Fos in adrenal cortex were
investigated. The level of ERK1/2 was increased 1.7-fold in
adrenocortical tissue after injections (3 days, 100 mkg per rat)
of estradiol. However, the level of p38 kinase and protein
kinase JNK was not changed in these conditions. The tran-
scription factor AP-1, which includes c-Fos and c-Jun factors,
is involved in realization of estradiol signal transduction. The
level of c-Fos protein raised 1.8-fold after estradiol treatment,
c-Jun protein was not increased. We conclude that ERK1/2
kinase and transcriptional factor c-Fos mediate fast estrogen
signal transduction in adrenocorticocytes
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