The modulation of mitochon-drial pore sensitivity of isolated myocardial preparetions to the action of pore activators
A.V.Dmitrieva, Yu.A.Bubnova, A.Yu.Boguslavsky, V.F.Sagach.
In the experiments with coperfused isolated ring strips from a.
carotis (А) and trabecule (Т) from the right auricle of guinea
pigs it has been shown the modification of a sensitivity of
mitochondrial pore (MP) to the action of its activators. Exog-
enous NO-donor - sodium nitroprusside and hypoxic precon-
dition (HP) caused a protective action on myocardium and
arterial vessels isolated preparations of the old animals due to
reducing of a myocardium MP sensitivity. While the contractile
response to control electric stimulation Т and А of the trained
animals was almost twice lower in comparison to the group
untraining ones, which can be evidence of the resources de-
pleted of myocardium and vessels preparations caused by
hypoxic training of the old animals.
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