The nitric oxideand superoxide synthesis in protective action of ecdysterone in mitochondrias of rat.shearts with streptozotocin-induced diabet
Ju.P. Korkach , O.V. Rudyk, A.V.Kotsuruba , O.D. Prysyazhna , V.F. Sagach
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, NationalAcademy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;O.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;

This study evaluated generation of O2*- and NO in heart
mitochondria isolated from 9-week old streptozotocin (STZ).
induced diabetic rats and the effect of ecdysterone treatment
on these parameters. Mitochondria isolated from 9-weeek old
placebo.treated rats were used as control. Several parameters
were evaluated: O2*- production, the levels of stable NO metabolites
nitrate, nitrite and total nitrosothiols, the level of bilirubine
(as marker of CO generation), inducible (iNOS) and constitutive
(nNOS) mtNOS, NADH- dependent nitrate reductase (NR)
and inducible arginase II (AII) activity .We observed that diabetes
was accompanied by a significant decrease in nNOS
activity, nitrite, total nitrosothiols and bilirubine content while
iNOS, NR and AII activity, as well as O2*- generation was
increased in heart mitochondria. Ecdysterone treatment
normalized the levels of stable NO metabolites, ability to generate
superoxide, iNOS and nNOS activity, but not bilirubine
level, NR and AII activity. These results suggest that
ecdysterone treatment attenuates diabetes?induced mitochondrial
alterations protecting against oxidative and nitrosative
stresses. Thus, ecdysterone therapy, besides its well known
importance in the maintenance of glycemic control, may help
to protect against mitochondrial dysfunction associated to
several age-related disorders.
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