Changes in protein composition of membranecytoskeletalcomplex in mammalian erythrocytes under cryopreservation
O. Denysova, N. Zemlyanskikh, G. Zhegunov.
Kharkiv, zooveterinary academy
Protein composition of mammalian erythrocyte membrane-
cytoskeletal complex under the influence of cryoprotectants
and freezing-thawing process was studied by the methods of
electrophoresis. No quantitative and qualitative differences in
the research objects on basic structural proteins in all experi-
mental variants were revealed. Slight changes in cryopre-
servation process were noted in bovine erythrocytes, where
there was a reduction of protein band 6. This may be related to
either cryostability of protein or insufficient sensitivity of
the method.
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