Changes of nitric oxide system during acutemyocardial ischaemia/reperfusion
A.A. Moibenko, M.Ya. Yuzkiv, A.V. Kotsuruba, A.N. Bukhanevich,L.V. Tumanovska
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of PhysiologyNational Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev;Institute of biochemistry National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev

The reciprocal changes of NOS and arginase activity during acute myocardial ischaemia
(90 min) and reperfusion (180 min) was shown in experiments on chest-closed dogs
with spontaneous breathing. NOS activity in the ischemical injured myocard decreased
on 60 % while arginase activity increased on 487 %. Levels of both alternative pathways
of L-arginine metabolism altered reciprocally too. NO 2–-level was reduced on 57 %,
and urea level increased on 665 %. The same changes were in arterial blood, started
from 10 min of ischamia. These changes can play an important role for development
of acute ischaemia treatment.
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