Aceinhibitor enalapril action on nitric oxide synthesis, oxidative metabolism and vascular toneof aging rat
V.F.Sagach., O.V.Baziljuk, L.G. Stepanenko, A.V.Kotsuruba, L.G.Stepanenko, Ju.P.Korkach
O.O.Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, NAS of Ukraine,Kyiv;O.V.Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine,Kyiv

Endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent
reactions of relaxations of vascular smooth muscle
(VSM) were examined in the aorta preparations of the
two groups (6-8 and 21-22 month). The studies also
two NO synthase (NOS) isoform activity - inducible
(iNOS) and constitutive (cNOS), activity of arginase
and nitrate reductase and the content of high-molecular
nitrosothiols (HMNT) and low-molecular nitrosothiols
(LMNT) and stable metabolites of NO (NO-
2, NO-
Aging rats demonstrated only endothelium-dependent
responses of VSM to acethylcholine lowering. This endothelial
dysfunction depend on high activity of
arginase, iNOS and salvage (by nitrate reductase) NO
synthesis, both reactive oxigen species (ROS) (by xanthine
oxidase) and peroxynitrite generation, as well as
low activity of constitutive (eNOS, nNOS) NO synthesis.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
(enalapril) administration (20 mg/kg, 30 or 55 days) up
regalate constitutive NO synthesis by arginase, iNOS,
nitrate reductase activity and ROS and peroxynitrite
generation inhibition thus restore endothelium-dependent
relaxations of VSM in aging rats. The result obtained
suggest a new roles for the renin-angiotensin
system in vascular tone regulation. Thus enalapril might
serve as a novel tool to prevent aging-associated endothelial
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