Cytokines and their rolein reproductive system
R.I.Yanchiy, T.Yu.Voznesenska, O.A.Shepel.
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Dept. of Immunology and CytotoxicSerums, Kyiv

In this review we analyze the involvement of cytokines in
regulation of ovarian function. A growing body of evidence
suggests that the ovary is a site of inflammatory reactions.
Immune-competent cells present within the ovary may
constitute potential in-situ modulators of ovarian function
that act through local secretion of regulatory soluble factors –
cytokines. In addition many over cell in the ovary also pro-
duce cytokines independently of the presence of leukocytes,
thus ovaries are sites of cytokine action and production. There
are many evidences that cytokines are involved in the ovarian
control of follicular development and are surveyed as the
important regulators of steroidogenesis and gamete produc-
tion. It is established that cytokines generally inhibit gonadot-
ropin-stimulated production of steroids. However ovarian ste-
roids, in turn, reduce the cytokine production by immune-
competent cells. There are some data about participation of
cytokines in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of
granulose cells. Most cytokines appear in mammalian follicles
only a short time before ovulation and play the important role
in process of ovulation and luteinization. Thus a variety of
clinical situations may be due to cytokine action in the gonads,
and therapeutic manipulation of the immune system may af-
fect reproductive function. Moreover the findings about the
expression of some cytokines by oocytes and their presence
in follicular fluid provide further evidence and substantiate the
physiologic role for their in ovarian function, and may lead to
clinical applications in programs of in vitro fertilization and in
diagnosis and treatment of infertility in women, especially in
cases attributed to ovarian dysfunction.
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