Influence of enalapryl on vascularmotor reactions of rats withchronic deficiency of dopamine in themesencephalo-striatal system
S.A. Talanov, M.N. Tkachenko, O.V. Baziljuk,L.G. Stepanenko, V.F. Sagach.
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kyiv

The results of experiments on isolated preparations of aorta
and portal vein of rats with chronic deficiency of mesencephalo-
striatal dopamine have shown that endothelium-dependent
reactions of dilatation were inhibited. If rats with dopamine de-
ficiency received enalapryl (20 mg/kg) these reactions partly
recovered. A possible conclusion may be that in conditions of
cerebral dopamine deficiency the functional state of endothe-
lium got worse, and endothelium-dependent dilatation of vascu-
lar smooth muscles was inhibited. The use of inhibitor of angio-
tensin-converting enzyme enalapryl resulted in a significant
restoration of the above vascular reactions.
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