Effects of experimental muscle painon short and long-latency compo-nents of stretch-reflex in elbowmuscles of unanaesthetized cat
D.V. Lizun, G. V. Dovgalets,A. M. Talnov, A.I. Kostyukov.
O.O. Bogomolets Physiology Institute of National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the elbow joint muscles
induced during passive extension of the joint was recorded
from the unaesthetized cat before and after injection of 5%
NaCl solution which has been used as an activator of nocicep-
tors. It was shown that the amplitude of the long-latency M2
component of flexor stretch-reflex was significantly increased
after injection of saline while the amplitude change of shot-
latency M1 component was insignificant. The latency of EMG
in flexor significantly decreased. The changes of extensor EMG
response parameters were similar but less expressed. Dura-
tion of such effect could achieve 20 minutes, after that all
response parameters of stretch-reflex returned to the standard
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