Transfer factor of immune reactivityto diphtheria-tetanus anatoxin modu-lates the action of neurotransmittersin intestinal smooth muscle
N.V.Melenevska, M.S.Miroshnichenko,I.B.Phylippov, L.S.Kholodna, M.F.Shuba.
National University named after T.Shevchenko, Kyiv, UkraineO.O.Bogomolets Physiology Institute of NAS, Kyiv, Ukraine

Transfer factor (TF) of immune reactivity (10 -5–10 -3mg/ml) to
diphtheria-tetanus anatoxin modulates slow waves and spon-
taneous contractile activity of non-atropinized smooth muscle
stripes (SMS) of guinea-pig taenia coli. TF (10- 4mg/ml) trans-
forms slow waves into stable depolarization and tonic con-
traction. After SMS atropinization, the substance acts in the
same way. In the presence of methylene blue (10-5M), a
guanylatecyclase blocker, FT induces transitory increase of
SMS muscle tone, which is followed by their stable relaxation.
ATP and UTP, purinoceptors agonists, evoke substantial hy-
perpolarization of smooth muscle cells membrane and their
relaxation. FT enhances post-inhibitory excitation in SMS. In
the presence of acetylcholine (10 -5M) FT (10 -4mg/ml) trans-
forms the inhibitory ATP action on tonic contraction into
excitative. This substance (10 -5, 10 -4 mg/ml) enhances Ca2+
mobilization from ryanodine-sensitive calcium store, inhibits
the release of these cations from IP3-sensitive calcium store of
sarcoplasmic reticulum. TF demolishes the inhibitory actions
of sodium nitroprusside (nitric oxide donor), and noradrenaline
in taenia coli smooth muscles.
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