Influence of enalapril on endotheliun-dependent contractile reactionsand oxygen cost of work of smoothmuscles at experimental diabetesmellitus
O.D. Prysyazhna, A.V. Kotsyuruba,M.N. Tkachenko, V.V. Sagach.
О.О. Bogomolets Institute of PhysiologyNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, KyivA.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
The influence of angiotensin-converting enzyme on
endotheliun-dependent contractile vascular
reactions was investigated on the rat model of
streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. It is
shown, that the long-term administration of
enalapril results in partial restoration of disturbed
at diabetes mellitus reactions and also to reduction
of oxygen cost of smooth muscles and myocar-
dial work. Thus, after 28-day’s of oral adminis-
tration of this drug the restoration of endotheliun-
dependent dilatation of aorta and coronary ves-
sels, increase of stretch-induced contractile
responses of vascular smooth muscles, reduction
of stiffness of isolated portal vein strips are ob-
served. Possible mechanisms of such changes are
following: increase of nitric oxide synthesis (at
the expense of constitutive NOS activity ) and
reduction of oxidative stress, to what the decrease
of diene conjugates contents in tissues of animals
with diabetes mellitus after long introduction of
enalapril testifies.
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