Influence of the Biopreparation Likvorin by the IntraventricularyInfusing on General Convulsive Activity of Rats
Tkach V. V.
Crimea State University, Simferopol
It was studiet anticonvulsive action of the biopreparation licvorin had been made
from a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a cattle on the epiliptic activity provoking by
korasol. The preparation was infused intraventriculary.
Research showed preparation had the antiepileptic effect. It was manifested by
decreasing expressiveness of convulsions, averting of general epileptic fit and mortality.
Anticonvulsive action of the biopreparation licvorin was registrated in 2 hours and
was achieved maximum effect 24 hours after injection.
Anticonvulsive properties of the biopreparation licvorin realized by influence his
active factors on structures of a brain, specifically on the GABAdependent systems.
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