Role of mitochondria in reglulation of endothelialhyperpolarization to acetylcholine
A.І. Bondarenko, V.F. Sagach
О.О.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

We investigated the regulation of sustained endothelial hyper-
polarization to acetylcholine in the rat aortic endothelial cells
by mitochondria. Protonofore CCCP and rotenone, an elec-
tron transport chain complex I inhibitor, agents that cause
mitochondria depolarization, inhibited the sustained hyper-
polarization of endothelial cells. This effect was unlikely to be
mediated by the free radicals since hydrogen peroxide was
shown to hyperpolarize endothelial cells. It is concluded that
mitochondrial Ca 2+ uptake is essential in prolongation of en-
dothelial hyperpolarization to acetylcholine.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.