Inhibitors of mitochondrial permeabilitytransition pore take part in prevention of apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons in themesencephalon in rat
S.A. Talanov, V.F. Sagach, N.N. Oleshko, V.A. Maisky
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
In the study the role of apoptosis in development of dopam-
inergic neuronal cell death within substantia nigra (parts
compacta) and ventral tegmental area induced by 6-OHDA
was investigated. It was found that intermittent hypoxia and
the water-soluble vitamine E (Trolox) and melatonin, as anti-
oxidants and inhibitors of mitochondrial permeability transi-
tion pore protect dopaminergic cells from cytotoxic effect of
6-OHDA. It is supposed that mitochondrial permeability tran-
sition pore plays an important role in apoptosis of neurons in
the brain.
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