Non-hydrolysable diadenosine polyphosphate analoguemodulates signal transduction in hippocampal slices
Sergei Melnik, Michael Wright, Julian A. Tanner, Vera Tsintsadze, Timur Tsintsadze, AndrewD. Miller and Natalia Lozovaya
Odessa State Medical University, Ministry of Health ofUkraine
The modulatory effect of endogenous diadenosine polyphos-
phates on synaptic transmission in the rat hippocampal slices
has been re-examined with a non-hydrolysable Ap4A analogue
diadenosine-5',5'»-P 1,P 4-[?,?-methylene]tetraphosphate
(AppCH2ppA). We have shown that AppCH2ppA at low
micromolar concentrations induce inhibition of orthodromically
evoked population spikes, without affecting of excitatory
postsynaptic currents and antidromic spikes recorded in the
CA1 zone of hippocampus. Such a spatially selective neuronal
inhibition may influence dendritic electrogenesis in pyramidal
neurons and consequently mediate control of neuronal net-
work activity in hippocampus.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.