Proteasome inhibitors eliminate protective effect of postconditioning in cultured neonatalcardiomyocytes
V.E. Dosenko, V.S.Nagibin, L.V.Tumanovskaya, V.Yu. Zagoriy, A.A. Moibenko, J. Vaage
Department of Experimental Cardiology, BogomoletzInstitute of Physiology, Kyiv, Ukraine;Department of Surgery and Institute of Experimental MedicalResearch, Ulleval University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
A role of proteasomal proteolysis in the pathogenesis of
ischemia-reperfusion is being actively studied. To evaluate the
participation of the proteasome in postconditioning
phenomenon, we used primary culture of neonatal cardio-
myocytes. 30 minutes of anoxia followed by 60 minutes of
reoxygenation was undergone. Postconditioning was modeled
by 3 cycles of 1-minute reoxygenation followed by 1-minute
anoxia, respectively. Clasto-lactacystin b-lactone, a specific
proteasome inhibitor, in the dose that does not cause cell death
(2.5 mМ) was added to the culture medium just before the
cycles of postconditioning. Percentages of living, necrotic, and
apoptotic cells were determined by staining with bisBenzimide
and propidium iodide. Autophagy was demonstrated by
staining vacuolar structures with monodansyl cadaverine.
Proteasomal activity was determined by cleavage intensity of
specific fluorogenic substrates. Trypsin-like, chymotrypsin-
like and peptidyl-glutamyl peptide-hydrolyzing (PGPH)
activities were decreased after anoxia. Reoxygenation led to an
increase in trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like activities
comparing to anoxia, but these parameters never reached the
control levels. PGPH activity was restored up to the initial
level. Postconditioning increased numbers of living cells and
decreased that of necrotic, apoptotic and autophagic cells.
Paradoxically, it was established, that proteasome inhibitors
prevented the necrotic and apoptotic cell death of
cardiomyocytes in anoxia-reoxygenation, but in the same
concentration abolished the effects of postconditioning. The
data obtained permit to suppose that proteasome inhibitors
can be used for pharmacological postconditioning.
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