Blocking action of pyridoxal-5?-phosphate onnonadrenergic synaptic inhibition of human small intestine smooth muscle.
O.V.Romanenko, M.M.Grusha, P.D.Fomin
O.O.Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kyiv
We investigated the inhibitory synaptic potentials (ISP) in
isolated smooth muscle strips of the human duodenum circu-
lar layer from the ulcer adjacent region (I group) as well as
ileum and distal part of small intestine, which were on a dis-
tance of some dozen centimeters from the place of disturbance
under the different gastrointestinal diseases (II group). ISP
amplitude was several times smaller in the muscle strips of the
I group compare to the II group. It could depend on the alter-
ations of smooth muscles cable properties, increase of connec-
tive tissue mass, changes in the intestinal nervous system and
synaptic transmission in the region adjacent to duodenum ul-
cer. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate effectively decreased amplitude
and increased ISP latent period in the muscle strips from both
groups. N?-nitro-L-arginine, the blocker of NO-synthase did
not affect pyridoxal-5?-phosphate activity in smooth muscles.
Phosphate group was essential for realization of its influence
on ISP in smooth muscles because pyridoxal did not influence
both ISP amplitude and ISP latent period.
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