Oral and gastric diffuseneuroendocrine system: discutablequestions of structure and function
O. S.Zayachkivska, M.R.Gzhegotsky, V.I.Kovalyshyn.
Lviv Medical University
In recent years, diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES) in the
digestive tract attracted worldwide attention. Cells through-
out the digestive tract receive information in many forms,
including chemical messengers that emanate from other cells.
At the turn of XIX century, the concept of nervism or entire
neural control of digestive functions, developed by Pavlov
prevailed. The prototype for chemical communication came
with discovery of the first hormone, secretin and histamine, a
non-nervous and non-gastrin compound by L.Popielski from
Lviv university. This review presents past and present ad-
vances in physiological mechanisms underlying digestion and
newly recognized several groups of hormones and transmit-
ters, that produced by digestive diffuse neuroendocrine sys-
tem cells. Two-way communication pathways operate be-
tween the brain and the gut, each comprising afferent fibers
signaling sensory information from the gut to the brain and
efferent fibers transmitting signals in opposite direction. Short
intramural and long extramural reflexes are triggered as well as
various gut hormones are released by feeding that “cooperate”
with the “brain-gut axis” in alteration of the digestive exocrine
and endocrine secretion, motility and blood circulation and
feeding behavior. Up till now, researches about gastric DNES
in human and animal have been reported, but the research data
about representation DNES in oral cavity are scarce. In the
present paper, described ultrastructure of oral endocrinocytes
from rat gum mucous by electron-microscopic analysis method.
Their morphological feature provides evidence of neuro-
endocrine acting mode. This research can morphologically
prove that the oral DNES cells is almost the same as of stom-
ach and gut. It shows morphological evidence of representation
brain –gut axis in oral cavity with an neuroendocrine-exocrine
mode of peptide action. It suggests that the oral DNES play
important role in the diversity of physiological functions,
mucosal repair and reconstitutional process and homeostasis
in oral cavity. Future investigation of oral DNES has opened
new therapeutic approaches to various mucous injury-related
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