Correlation of tissue respiration andsome mitochondria stereometriccharacteristics in lung tissue underhypoxic hypoxia and itspharmacological modifications
Rozova K.V., Nazarenko A.I., Tavolzshanova T.I.,Trepatskaya T.V., Cherkesova M.A.
O.O.Bogomolets Institute of Physiology National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

In experiments on the adult white laboratory rats the correlation
of tissue respiration and some morpho- and stereometric
characteristics of mitochondria in lung tissue under breathing
by air and gas mixture with 7% O2 in N2 was investigated. The
following agents were used as modulators: indomethacin, a
blockator of cyclooxygenase way of arachidonic acid metabo-
lism; quercetin and linoleil of hydroxamic acid, blockators of
lipooxygenase way of arachidonic acid metabolism; taurine, an
antihypoxant and energy source under hypoxic conditions;
lipin - antihypoxant with significant membrane protective ef-
fect. It was shown, that the respiration intensity of tissue
homogenate, not only of its mitochondrial fraction, closely
connected with structural organization of mitochondria. It was
demonstrated that changes of O2 concentration in gas mixture
lead to the alteration of interrelation between O2 consumption
and stereometric characteristics of mitochondria: in normoxia
the intimate correlation was established with number of mito-
chondria and its total surface; in hypoxia such correlation was
established with mitochondria diameter and number of struc-
turally damage organelles. Pharmacological modulation factors
play in this process not so significant role
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