Effect of flokalin, katp sensitive channelopener upon the functioning of isolatedheart
R.B Strutynskyi, S.N Pyvovar, Rovenets R.A.,O.V. Piskun L.M. Yagupolskii, A.A.Moibenko.
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kiev

In the experiments, using isolated, perfused according to
Langendorff heart of guinea pig, was investigated the effect of
flokalin, a new fluor-containing opener of ATP sensitive
channels (K ATP), upon the functioning of the heart. It was
shown, that flokalin in a dose dependent manner dilates
coronary vessels, decreases final diastolic pressure in the left
ventricle and the rate of extrasystoles. Flokalin does not sig-
nificantly affect the developing pressure in the left ventricle,
max and min dP/dt, the frequency of cardiac contractions.
5-hydroxydecanoic acid (5-HD), an inhibitor of KATP in the
mitochondrial membranes, increases the developing pressure
in the left ventricle, max and min dP/dt, perfusion pressure in
the coronary vessels. Simultaneously the final diastolic pres-
sure in the left ventricle is decreased. Inhibition of KATP channels
in the mitochondrial membrane does not affect the vasodilatory
effects of flokalin in the coronary vessels. This data, under the
condition of specific action of 5-HD, permits us to suppose
the participation of sarcolemmal K ATP channels in the mentioned
processes. It was shown that inhibition of mitochondrial KATP
channels results in decrease of the final diastolic pressure in
the left ventricle and can enhance the effect of flokalin upon
the final diastolic pressure, thus urging the idea of the leading
role of sarcolemmal K ATP channels in the mentioned above
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