Allelic polymorphism of largemultifunctional proteases and itsfunctional meaning
V.E. Dosenko, D.A. Mikhalchuk, V.Yu. Zagoriy,N.V. Haitovich, A.A. Moibenko.
O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, KyivKyiv State University

Proteasomal activity in isolated monocytes from subjects with
different variants of large multifunctional proteases genes -
LMP2 (Arg60 His allelic polymorphism) and LMP7
(Lys145 Gln allelic polymorphism) was determined.
Trypsin-like activity of proteasome was 1.6-times (P=0.19)
higher at Arg/Arg genotype comparing to His/His genotype,
and 2-fold lower than at Arg/His genotype. The highest
chymotrypsin-like activity of proteasome was observed in
heterozygotes (on 29.7% higher comparing to Arg/Arg geno-
type, Р=0.43) and lowest in homozygotes His/His (on 29.7%
less comparing to Arg/Arg genotype, Р=0.40). Level of RNA
expression in isolated monocytes detetermined by use of RT-
PCR did not differed significantly in subjects with different
genotypes. Data obtained indicate that LMP2 allelic poly-
morphism impact peptidase activity of immunoproteasome.
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