Experimental photodynamic therapyof tumors with 5-ala
N.F. Gamaleia, V.V. Kutsenok, O.B.Gorobets,M.O. Lozinsky, A.N. Borisevich, V.V.Holin.
R.E.Kavetsky Institute for Experimental Pathology, Oncologyand Radiobiology, NAS of Ukraine; Institute of OrganicChemistry, NAS of Ukraine; “Photonics plus”, Ukraine
The photodynamic therapy (PDT) of Lewis carcinoma in
с57Вl/6 mice and sarcoma 180 in random bred mice was carried
out with 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) used as a photosensi-
tizer. It has been shown that ALA-PDT effectively inhibited
the growth of Lewis carcinoma and sarcoma 180, decreased
the frequency of metastatic spreading and the number of me-
tastases to lung in mice with Lewis carcinoma. It is concluded
that PDT with ALA is a potentially perspective method of
tumor treatment.
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