Change of painful riaction at combineaction of the modulators of nitricoxide and low intensityelectromagnetic field
Sushko B. S., Limansky J. P.
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NANU, Kyiv
In experiments on mice with the tonic pain caused by intro-
duced of 5 % of formalin in hindpaw, are quantitatively measure
changes of painful behavioural reaction (PBR) values under
action low intensity electromagnetic field (EMF) and sub-
stances that modulate activity of NO-synthase system, and at
both of these action also. Such substances were used: in qual-
ity inhibitor NO-synthase - Nw-nitro-L-arginin (L-NAME),
donors NO - sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and sodium nitrite
(SN). Influence of the EMF completely eliminated effect of
the L-NAME and SN in concentration of 0.5 mM/l, and also
SNP in concentration 5 mcM/l on the painful reaction. The
assumption that neurogenetics and NO- ergic mechanisms are
basis of the systems analgesic effects of the low intensity
electromagnetic fields. Mechanisms of modulation of painful
behavioural reaction and other behavioural displays of animals
under condition EMF and NO are discussed.
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