The heme oxygenase induction in ratheart and vessels and the peroxidativeresistence of rat erythrocytes underhemolytic anemia development
P. A. Kaliman, O.V. Pavichenko.
Харків. нац. ун-т ім. В.Н.Каразіна М-ва освіти танауки України
The hemolytic anemia development caused by phenylhydra-
zine injection (7 mg/100 g b.w.) was shown to be caused by the
decreasing of both catalase activity and glutathione content in
erythrocytes, and by the increasing of spontaneouse hemolysis
level of these cells in blood stream. The increasing of heme
oxygenase activity and TBA-active products in rat heart and
vessels were revealed 24 hrs after phenylhydrazine injection.
Possible mechanisms of heme oxygenase-1 induction under
hypoxia as response to the hemolytic anemia development
and it’s role in defense of the cells from damage are discussed.
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