The compact bone tissue impedancetesting in hypokinetic rats
V.A.Beresovskiy, О.М.Levashov, S.L.Saphonov,М.І.Levashov, I.G.Litovka.
A.A.Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, NASU, Kiev

The bioelectrical impedance method was used for determina-
tion of compact bone status in white rats after 28th days of
strong hypokinesia. It was shown that the lowering of me-
chanical loading leads to disturbances in dielectric properties
and changes in electrical impedance parameters. These distur-
bances had different direction and manifestation. It was distin-
guished the two typical variants of bone dielectric properties
changes. The first variant was more characteristic for early
stages of hypokinetic osteodestruction, the second variant
was more characteristic for the fully development hypokinetic
disturbances. It was determine a correlation between the changes
in electrical impedance parameters and mane components of
bone matrix. The results of this study show that hyper-
hydratation of bone tissue play important role in hypokinetic
changes of bone dielectric properties. Electroimpedance method
may be used for early diagnostic of bone state in clinic and
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