Individual-typological qualities of thehigher nervous activity and sensomo-tor reactions in students with differ-ent level of sport qualifications
M.V. Makarenko, S.K.Golyaka.
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Science of Ukraine, KyivKherson State University
Investigation of the individual-typological qualities of the
higher nervous activity (HNA) and the senso- motorical
reactions in the students with the different level of sport quali-
fication was conducted. It was established that correlation
exist between the level of sports qualification and the qualities
of the main nervous processes, the higher level of sport quali-
fication the higher indexes of the individual-typological quali-
ties of the he HNA and the sensomotorical reaction and vice
versa. The relation of the main nervous processes and tempo-
rary parameters of the sensomotorical reaction with different
degree of the complexity was shown. An interrelation between
individual-typological qualities of the higher nervous HNA
and their manifestation in the sensomotorical reaction can be
an important condition for a choice of the individual methods
and means during sport training and competition.
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