Influence of the intermittenthypoxia training on the sensitivityof phenylarsineoxide-induced mito-chohdrial permeability transitionpore opening in rat heart
G.L. Vavilova, T.V. Serebrovskaya, O.V. Rudyk,M.V. Belikova, E.E. Kolesnikova, T.V. Kukoba,V.F. Sagach.
О.О. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

On the mitochondria isolated from the heart tissue of
adult rats we studied the sensitivity of mitochondrial
permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening to its in-
ductor – phenylarsine oxide (PAO) after mitochondrial
swelling, registered by spectrophotometric technique
at л=520 nm. In adult rat under influence of two modes
of normobaric intermittent hypoxic training (IHT): i)
softer but prolonged one induced by breathing in
normobaric chamber with 11% O2 gas mixture, 15 minuets
sessions with 15 minuets rest intervals, 5 times daily
(first mode) and ii) more severe but shorter one induced
by breathing with 8 % O2 gas mixture (second mode)
were used. The intensity of lipid peroxidation and anti-
oxidant defense mechanisms in rat organism were esti-
mated before and after IHT by measuring malon
dialdehyde (MDA) content and enzymatic activity of
superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in the
blood and the liver. It has been shown that IHT in the
first mode didn’t essentially influence both on PAO –
induced, cyclosporin A – sensitive mitochondrial swell-
ing and indexes of lipid peroxidation as well as the SOD
and CAT enzymatic activity. It was established that IHT
in the second mode caused pronounced increase in
MDA content both in the blood and the liver by 67 %
and 32% respectively; considerable augmentation of
SOD activity in this tissues (by 49% and 32% res-
pectively) and CAT activity (by 18% and 43%
respectively). Moreover, in forty five days the activity
of SOD exceeded its initial level in three times in both
the blood and the liver. It has been established that IHT
in the second mode provoke to twice decrease in PAO-
induced mitochondrial swelling as compared with mito-
chondria of the control group, and even in forty five
days after IHT stopping the protective effect on mito-
chondrial PTP opening was well-preserved. These ef-
fects were completely abolished in the presence of an
inhibitor – cyclosporin A (10-5 mol/l) that demonstrated
mitochondrial swelling to be due to the mitochondrial
PTP opening. Our experiments showed that the influen-
ce of IHT in more severe mode decreased the sensitivi-
ty of mitochondria to the PAO in rat heart mitochondria.
Thus resistance of the mitochondrial membrane to an
inductor of PTP opening – PAO increase under the
influence of IHT in the second mode.
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