The peculiarities of operated nerveregeneration under subcompensatedarterial ishemia and venoushypertension in experiment
О.O.Goncharuk, V.I Tsimbaljuk, Kostinskij G.B.
A. Romodanov Institute of Neurosurgery, Academy ofMedical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
The submitted work is devoted to a problem of influence of
the regional hemodynamic disturbances on nerve regeneration
following its full anatomic breakdown and neuroraphy. In a
chronic experiment on 30 white rats, an arterial ischemia was
reproduced by ligation of the main femoral arteries: common
and deep femoral (12 animals), while venous hypertension
was reproduced by ligation of the main veins: common, deep
femoral and big hypodermic veins (12 animals). In the second
stage of the operation a sciatic nerve of the same limb was
dissected and its pieces were connected by perineural seam. In
the control group 6 animals were subjected to the operation
with the subsequent imposition of the perineural seam on the
sciatic nerve. In 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 days after operation the
tissue block from a zone of neural anastomosis was deleted.
Proximal and distal stumps of the operated nerve, reclaiming
neuroma and hematomicrocirculating channels of the nerve
were investigated by perfusion, histologic and electron-
microscopic methods. It is established that the regional is-
chemia caused by trauma of the main arteries of the limb re-
sulted in inhibition of regenerative processes in the operated
nerve, and restoration of arterial blood circulation is essential for
stimulation of these processes. Regional venous hypertension
is not the critical factor for regeneration of a peripheral nerve
after its anatomic breakdown and microsurgical neuroraphy.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.