Alterations in atp-dependence ofswelling- activated cl- currentassociated with neuroendocrinedifferentiation of lncap prostatecancer epithelial cells
R.M. Lazarenko, A.P. KondratskyN.Ch. Pogorela, Y.M. Shuba
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kyiv

Increasing population of malignant, apoptosis resistant
neuroendocrine (NE) cells due to differentiation of prostate
epithelial/basal cells is a hallmark of advanced, androgen-inde-
pendent prostate cancer, for which there is no successful
therapy. Acquisition of apoptosis resistance involves alter-
ations in the mechanisms of cell volume homeostasis, of which
volume-regulate anion channels (VRAC) that carry swelling-
activated Cl- current (ICl,swell) represent one of the key determi-
nants. Given that VRAC function is generally known to be
ATP-dependent, here we investigated how such dependence
may evolve during NE differentiation of LNCaP prostate cancer
epithelial cells. In the whole-cell patch-clamp recording mode
ICl,swell could be activated in response to hypotonicity-induced
cell swelling in control and NE-differentiated (by incubation in
membrane-permeable cAMP analogs) LNCaP cells even fol-
lowing total depletion of intracellular ATP using a cocktail of
metabolic inhibitors. However, this basal ICl,swell had about
30% higher density and was less inactivating in NE-differenti-
ated cells. Inclusion of 5 mM Mg-ATP in the patch pipette
caused ICl,swell augmentation in both cell types. The augmenta-
tion in the control cells was more prominent and occurred
mostly at the expense of a non-inactivating current component.
We conclude that ICl,swell in LNCaP cells consists of a non-
inactivating, ATP-dependent and inactivating, ATP-indepen-
dent components. NE differentiation promotes the increase of
non-inactivating component and partial loss of its ATP sensi-
tivity making the whole ICl,swell less ATP-sensitive as well. By
largely avoiding the ATP metabolic control ICl,swell may contrib-
ute to better control of cell volume under metabolic stress and
thus enhance the survival rates of apoptosis-resistant NE cells.
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