Age-related peculiarities of contrac-tile vascular reactions and the content of free radicals of oxygenand metabolites of nitric oxide in balb
M.N. Tkachenko, V.F. Sagach, O.V. Baziljuk,A.V. Kotsuruba, G.M. Popereka,L.G. Stepanenko, O.F. Senjuk
A.A.Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kyiv, UkraineA.A.Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, UkraineA.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kyiv, UkraineInstitute for Safety of Atomic Power Stations, NationalAcademy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Peculiarities of changes of the endothelium-dependent and en-
dothelium-independent vascular reactions of relaxation, and the
content of oxygen free radicals and stable metabolites of nitric
oxide (NO) were studied in the aorta preparations of BALB/c
mice of the two age groups (6 and 18 months), which were born
and lived in the Chernobyl alienation zone. The results obtained
showed no endothelium-dependent reactions of aortal smooth
muscles relaxation to acetylcholine and only partially impaired
endothelium-independent reactions to sodium nitroprusside in
animals of both age groups. There was a significant decrease in
the content of high-molecular nitrosothiols (HMNT) in old
animals, which may signify a depletion of NO depot in the
aorta. A decrease of HMNT levels induced an increase of the
shares of anion nitrite and low-molecular nitrosothiols (LMNT)
in the total amount of endogenous donors of NO in the aorta of
old animals. Exposure of old animals to low doses of radiation
resulted in an over 3-fold increase of LMNT. In old mice the
levels of oxygen active forms, superoxide and hydroxyl radicals
increase, while the level of H2O2 remained unchanged.
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