Peculiarities of the human oxygen-transport system functioning aftera long stay in antarctic
I.M. Mankovska, E.V. Moiseenko, M.P. Demchenko,V.E. Dosenko, S.T. Zubkova, S.Y. Vargatiy,T.I. Muzichenko
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kyiv
Fifteen participants of the Antarctic expedition (men, 27-51
years old) have been investigated after their return from a one-
year stay there. All subjects have signs of latent hypoxia.
Compensation of hypoxic reactions depended on the initial
state of organism oxygen regimen as well as on the features of
a genotype. It was supposed that, after a long stay by a per-
son in the coastal Antarctic conditions, the latent form of
hypoxia could develop. The latter was accompanied by
reorganizations of oxygen regimen and determined by specific
features of a genotype.
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