Estimation of individuals levels of thephysiologyical expenditures in mentalwork
Irpin Military Hospital

A new approach for determination of the individual levels of
physiological expenditures in mental work is proposed.
Comparison of adaptation reaction amplitude of cerebral arteries
with the homeostatic range scale of cerebrovascular reactivity
in human-operator gives the possibility to determine indi-
vidual levels of the physiological expenditures in mental work.
The homeostatic range of cerebrovascular reactivity was de-
termined by hyper- and hypocapnia functional test. Using
transcranial doppler the mean blood flow velocity in the middle
cerebral artery was measured. Estimation of the individuals
levels of physiological expenditures in mental work allows
determination of the potential possibility of the individual
person to perform this type of work.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.