Immunopathophysiologic featuresof early pregnancy in womenwith a history of unexplainablepregnancy loss
Т.V. Radysh, V.P. Chernyshov
Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academyof Medical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

The lymphocyte subsets, activation marker expression and
activity of ConA-treated lymphocytes have been studied in
58 patients with a history of unexplainable pregnancy loss
(UPL) and 22 normal pregnant women (control) in 4-7 weeks
of pregnancy. The increase of CD16/56 + cell level and CD4 +/
CD8 + ratio and decrease of CD19 + cell level have been found in
peripheral blood of UPL patients in comparison with control.
The expression of HLA-DR was upregulated on CD3 + and
CD8 + cells and the expression of CD25 was downregulated on
CD3 +, CD4 +, CD8 +, and CD16/56 + cells in UPL women. Ac-
cording to correlation analysis results, low expression of CD25
was related to a low expression of CD8 on NK, high expres-
sion of CD45RA on CD4+ helper cells, high expression of
HLA-DR on CD8+ cytotoxic cells. High frequency of ConA-
induced activation, low frequency of ConA-induced suppres-
sion and low suppressive activity of ConA-induced lymphocyte
were found in UPL patients compared to control. Conclusion:
women with UPL have disorders in feto-maternal recognition in
early pregnancy that led to a development of the inadequate
immune response to fetus realized as a defect of NK activation,
deficiency of T-cytotoxic cell limitation and memory helper cell
generation, downregulation of TR cells and suppressor function.
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