Role of the genetic factorsin osteoporosis development
I.N.Pishel, L.N.Pashynyan, G.M.Butenko
Osteoporosis which often accompanies the normal aging and a
number of pathological conditions is closely related to bone
remodeling disturbances. This process is provided mainly by
the genesis of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, their activities and
interactions. All the above in turn is dependent on numerous
systemic and local regulatory factors such as hormones, nutri-
ents, minerals, vitamins, cytokines, their receptors etc. Recently
the crucial role of genetic polymorphism of many receptors in
bone remodeling, bone loss and susceptibility to osteoporosis
development has been shown. This review is devoted to the
genetic background of interrelationships among the hormones,
cytokines, vitamins and their receptors and discussion of pos-
sible sources of discrepancies in data obtained by many au-
thors who studied populations like genetic, diet, life-styles
and environmental influences.
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