Gastric secretion and mucosal bloodflow during simultaneous inhibitionof m1-cholinergic receptors andl-са[sup]2+[/sup]-channels in anaesthetized rats
A. Sklyarov Y. Mandryk
Lviv National Medical University named after DanyloGalytsky

The gastric secretion and gastric mucosal blood flow (GMBF)
under simultaneous action of M1-cholinergic antagonist
gastrocepine (3 mg/kg i.v.) and L-Са 2+-channels blocker
verapamile (1.25 mg/kg i.v.) were investigated in urethane-
anaesthetized rats. The stomach was perfused with saline, and
GMBF was measured by using hydrogen gas clearance tech-
nique. The acid production under combined action of both
blockers was lower by 57.3 % and 18.6 %, than in case of
separate action of gastrocepine and verapamile accordingly.
Pepsin concentration decreased by 32 %, which did not differ
from verapamile action alone. The above changes of gastric
secretion was accompanied by significant decrease of GMBF.
Inhibition of M1-cholinergic receptors by gastrocepine did not
show their key role in basal gastric secretion in rats, but they
exacerbate L-Са 2+-channels blocker action. We conclude, that
enhance of acid output inhibition is related to the simulta-
neous depression of nervous impulses in ganglionic neurons
and acethylcholine release from parasympathetic postgangli-
onic neurons. Synchronous block of M1-cholinergic receptors
and L-Са 2+-channels of smooth muscles stomach vessels
resulted in reducing of gastric mucosal blood flow.
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