Endothelial Factorsin the Regulation of the Na+, K+-Atpase Activity
Vavilova G. L., Akopova O. V., Sagach V. F
A. A. Bogomoletz Institute of PhysiologyNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

Endothelial vasoactive agents such as endothelin, angiotensin, nitric oxide and others
are essential in regulation of the Na-pump functions in vascular and others tissues. In
our review the intracellular mechanisms of activating and inhibition of the Na+,K+-
ATPase by endothelial vasoactive agents are discussed. In the control of vascular
tone and heart function as well as the regulation of the Na-pump endothelial vasoactive
agents act individually or in close interaction with other physiologically active
substances including the ouabain-like factor, endogenous inhibitor of the Na-pump.
Some aspects ouabain-like factor physiological action are under the discussion. Recent
advances in study and comprehension of intracellular mechanisms the mediating role
of endothelial agents in Na-pump regulation are reviewed also.
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