Attenuation of acetylcholine-inducedhyperpolarization of aorticendothelial cells in rats fedby high-salt diet and effect of enalapril
A.I. Bondarenko, V.F. Sagach
О.О. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology National Academyof Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
High-salt diet is known to result in attenuation of endothe-
lium-dependent relaxation in rat aorta. We investigated the
possible alterations in electrical responses of rat aortic endot-
helial cells to acetylcholine as one of the eventual mechanisms
that lead to inhibition of endothelium-dependent relaxation
induced by high-salt diet. It was shown that endothelial resting
membrane potential in rats fed by high-salt diet did not differ
significantly from that observed in the control group (–40,6±2,3
mV and –41,2±0,9 mV, respectively). The amplitude of ace-
tylcholine-induced hyperpolarization of endothelial cells in
rats fed by high-salt diet was significantly attenuated (9,0±1,5
mV vs 22,7±1,3 mV in the control group). The amplitude of
hyperpolarization increased to 25,7±1,3 mV when high-salt
diet was administered with enalapril, the angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor. We conclude that high-salt diet leads to at-
tenuation of hyperpolarization of rat aortic endothelial cells in
response to acetylcholine, that may mediate inhibition of NO
synthesis and endothelium-dependent relaxation. Angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril prevents the observed
alterations in endothelial electrical responses induced by high-
salt diet.
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