Radiology-morphological changes of coccyxes atposttraumatic coccygodynia
A.T.Brusko, A.T.Nosov, A.V.Shevchuk
Institute of traumatology and orthopedics AMS of Ukraine,Kiev.

For definition of a pathogenesis of posttraumatic coccygodynia,
a study of morpho-functional changes of the structures
of coccyx.s area was organized. The preparations of coccyx,
removed during operative intervention from 23 different-aged
patients with manifestations of disease were analyzed by roentgen,
histological technique and a submicroscopy. In a
cartilaginous tissue from patients with posttraumatic
coccygodynia, dystrophic changes of chondrocytes down to
their atrophy, a destruction of the basic material with partial
replacement of a fibrillar cartilaginous tissue with a hyaline
cartilage were observed with a different degree of manifestation.
Vessels and sacrococcygeal nervous plexus were subjected to
pathological changes. Increased post-traumatic mobility, alterations
in the process of ossification, deceleration of physiological
joining of coccyx vertebras and sacrococcygeal joint
alter biomechanical properties of coccyx at sitting. These alterations
lead to the long-lasting traumatization with degenerative
- dystrophic changes, reinforcement of pain syndrome
and manifestation of dysfunctions of organs of pelvis.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.