Influence of membranecomposition modification on cardiac and vascular reactivity
A.M. Shysh, S.M. Pivovar, T.V. Kukoba, A.V. Kotsuruba, O.O. Moobenko
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kiev.

The work is dedicated to examination of the effect an w-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on vascular and cardiac
reactivity in intact animals. In experiments on isolated perfused
rat hearts and isolated rings of rat aorta it was shown
that reactivity in rats with modified membranes was lesser
than in control animals after adding norepinephrine in raising
concentrations. Use of w-3 PUFA resulted in the decrease of
w-6 PUFAs (arachidonic acid (AA)) content, while w-3 PUFAs
(EPA, DHA) content in cardiomyocytes membranes increased.
Besides that it was shown that after w-3 PUFA enriched diet
NO3- content increased in cardiac tissues and blood.
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