Comparative evaluation of influence of snakes venoms on the system ofhemocoagulation of intoxicated animals
Amiryan S. V.
Yerevan State University
The changes in some biochemical parameters of hemocoagu-
lation in animals, intoxicated by venoms of three species of
snakes have been investigated. The investigated venoms were:
venoms of Armenian adder (Vipera raddei), Transcaucasian
adder (V. lebetina) and red cobra (Naja pallidd). The results
have shown, that the venoms of Transcaucasian adder and red
cobra have coagulating effect. The influence of a venom of
Armenian adder is expressed in general delay of process, how-
ever there is an amplification of fibrinolytic activity, that al-
lows us to assume a development of the DIC-syndrom under
influence of this venom. Considering results received by us
regarding the influence of the venom of Armenian adder on the
system of hemocoagulation, and also numerous data available
in the literarature, we do not exclude an opportunity of the
presence of disintegrins in this venom, which could present
potential therapeutical interest. This allows us to assume a
necessity of further investigation of this venom with attrac-
tion of the newest biochemical and biophysical methods and
testing both whole venom, and its separate fractions.
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