Sensitivity ofphenylarsineoxide-induced mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening in old ratheart and under condition of intermittent hypoxic training
Rudyk I.V., Vavilova G.L., Strutynska N.A. Kotsuruba A.V., Sagach V.F.
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kiev
We studied the sensitivity of mitochondrial permeability tran-
sition pore (MPTP) opening to its inductor – phenylarsineoxide
(PAO) in adult (6 months), old rat heart (24 months) and in old
rat heart under conditions of intermittent hypoxic training
(IHT). We defined the sensitivity of MPTP opening on two
parameters: the alterations in mitochondrial swelling and the
release of mitochondrial substances (mitochondrial factor). It
was shown that mitochondria of old rat heart are more sensi-
tive to PAO which caused opening of cyclosporin-sensitive
MPTP and MPTP-dependent factor release, in comparison
with those of adult rat heart mitochondria. One of the causes
of increased sensitivity of MPTP opening to PAO is develop-
ment of an oxidative stress with age that was accompanied by
increase of an active metabolite of oxygen: hydrogen peroxide
(Н2О2) and hydroxyl radical (.ОН) in old rat heart mitochon-
dria. It was observed corrective effect of IHT on PAO-induced
MPTP-opening and MPTP-dependent factor release from old
rat heart mitochondria. IHT also reduced the content of Н2О2
and .ОН in old rat hearts. IHT can be used as protective
procedure preventing MPTP opening in aging and, probably,
in a numerous chronic pathological states of organism under
oxidative stress.
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