Heart and endotheliumfunctioning depending on human.s age and sex
Doloman L.B., Kotsuruba A.V., Kosyakova G.V., Petrenko I.V., Sagach V.F.
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NASU, Kiev, UkraineA.V.Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NASU, Kiev, Ukraine

The complex study of cardio-hemodynamics and functional
activity of the endothelium in healthy persons of different age
allowed us to establish that aging accompanied with a gradual
worsening in the endothelium functioning with resulting increase
in peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure as
well as decrease in the myocardial contractile activity. Such
age shifts might be involved in pathogenesis of cardiovascular
diseases, which prevalence is highly rises with increased age.
Analysis of sex difference in the endothelium functioning
showed a progressing lowering of the endothelium-dependent
vasodilatory reaction to begin in the men as early as after 40
years of age. This leads to the decrease in the vasodilatory
reserve with increase in peripheral vascular resistance and blood
pressure. Worsening in the myocardial contractility in 40-year
men can be also stipulated by changing in the endothelium
synthetic activity that was evidenced by decrease in plasma
levels of NO stable metabolites. In the women, such a lowering
of the endothelium functional activity begins 10 years later
and progresses more slowly compared to the men. The rate of
worsening in the endothelium functioning in the men is twice
of that in the women. Therefore, the elderly women have the
endothelium to be 20 years «younger» than that in the elderly
men, and perhaps namely this explains the better functioning
of the cardiovascular system in the elderly women. So, a functional
activity of the endothelium can be a main age and sex
determinant, which stipulates well-known age and sex differences
in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and life expectancy.
Prevention of the endothelium function disturbances
might lead to the alignment of the differences between men and
women in prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and life expectancy,
decrease in general morbidity with improvement of
life quality in elderly.
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