The role of the mitochondrial permeabilitytransition pore in the development of a dog.s skeletal muscle fatigue
Boguslavskiy A.Y., Dmitrieva A.V., Sagach V.F.
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofScience of Ukraine, Kiev

On anaesthetized dogs the role of the mitochondrial permeability
transition .ira (m.O.) in the development of the m.
gastrocnemius fatigue was investigated. In a control series of
experiments it was shown, that 10 short-term (30'.) electrical
stimulation (8 Hz, 5 ms, 20 V) with 5" interval resulted in
significant reduction of the muscle contractions force (more
than 40%) and considerably increased oxygen cost of a
m.gastercnemicus work (more than 130%), comparison with
initial parameters. The registered inhibition of the muscle
contraction force pointed on the development of m. gastrocnemius
fatigue, that was accompanied by an appearance in blood
from v. femoralis mitochondrial factor (MF), which, as shown
by us earlier, is a marker of the mPTP opening. Preliminary
injection of selective inhibitor of the mPTP opening
cyclosporine A (0,012 mg/kg, i.v.) resulted in the pronounced
fall of the MF concentration in blood from v. femoralis, in
comparison with the parameters registered under control
conditions. Pretreatment with the another inhibitor of the
mPTP opening melatonin (0,75 mg/kg, i.v.) prevented inhibition
of the muscle contractions force and reduction of the efficiency
of oxygen using by m.gastercnemicus under conditions
similar control. Thus, m.gastercnemius fatigue didn.t develop,
and the MF concentration in blood from v. femoralis was
much lower, than in the control, that testified to absence of the
mPTP opening. So then, fatigue development was accompanied
by inhibition of the muscle contractions force, marked
reduction of the efficiency of oxygen using by m.gastercnemicus
that was prevented by the mPTP opening inhibitors. Thus,
the mPTP opening can underlie the development of the working
skeletal muscle fatigue.
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