The coupling influence of agonistsand antagonists membranes channels on hemodynamic of normotensive and hypertensiverats
K.V.Tarasova, I.M.Karvatsky, V.G. Shevchuk, L.M.Yagupolskii
A.A.Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev.
It has been investigated the influence of synthesized in Institute
of Organic Chemistry NA of Science fluorinated Compound
.C. on haemodynamic indexes of normotensive (Wistar) and
hypertensive (SHR) rats. Molecules of Compound .C. contain
the blocker of calcium channels foridon and the potassium
channels activator flocalin. It was shown that separately used
foridon (0.5 mg/kg) and flocalin (which has dose . depended
effect) evoke hypertensive reaction, decreasing the total peripheral
resistance. They differently affect the systolic blood
volume (foridon decreases and flocalin increases) but do not
change the heart rate. Compound .C. (0.5 mg/kg) decreases
arterial pressure and total peripheral vessels resistance, decreases
heart rate and increases systolic blood volume. In hypertensive
animals these effects were more pronounced in
comparison with normotensive animals.
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