Expression of c-fos in the spinalcord after electrical stimulation of the low-threshold afferent fibers n. gastrocnemius-soleusof the rat
A.V. Maznychenko, V.A. Maisky, A.I. Pilyavskii, A.I. Kostyukov
A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kiev.
The specific pattern of c-fos gene expression was evaluated
within the lumbo-sacral spinal cord during 30 min non-noxious
stimulation n. gastrocnemius-soleus of male Wistar rats.
A lot of small and large Fos-immunoreactive (Fos-ir) nuclei
were located ipsilaterally, mainly in the middle of the neck and
base of the dorsal horn (layers 5 and 6). Traditionally, these
layers are considered to be the region of termination of the
low-threshold afferent fibers. A few Fos-ir neurons were
recorded in the intermediate zone (layer 7) and the area around
central canal (layer 10). The scarce labeled cells were also
revealed within the marginal zone and substantia gelatinosa of
the dorsal horn, i. e. the zones of termination of the highthreshold
muscle afferents. In conclusion, the revealed pattern
of c-fos expression in the spinal cord following non-noxious
stimulation differs from that induced by noxious stimulation.
Thus, the pattern of c-fos expression in the spinal cord is
dependent on the stimulus modality.
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