Українська English

ISSN 2522-9028 (Print)
ISSN 2522-9036 (Online)

Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal

is a scientific journal issued by the

Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Editor-in-chief: V.F. Sagach

The journal was founded in 1955 as
1955 – 1977 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0015 – 3311)
1978 – 1993 "Fiziologicheskii zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
1994 – 2016 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
2017 – "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 2522-9028)

Fiziol. Zh. 2004; 50(4): 73-78

A-subunit composition of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholinereceptors in the submucosal plexus of the guinea-pig

O.O.Grigorov, M.V.Skok, V.I.Skok

    A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kiev.


The a-subunit composition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the submucosal plexus of the guinea-pig ileum were studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique and affinity-purified antibodies (Abs) against a3-, a4, a5 and a7- subunits of nAChRs. The independent addition of anti-a3 and anti-a5 Abs to extracellular bath solution induced depression of the acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked currents by 60%±1,56% and 65%±1,62% correspondingly. Successive application of anti-a5 Abs in the presence of anti-a3 Abs did not have any additional blocking effect on ACh-evoked currents. Anti-a7 Abs evoked depression of Ach-induced currents by 24%±1,51% in 80% of investigated neurons and by 67%±1,5% in 20% of neurons. The addition of anti-a4 Abs to extracellular bath solution did not have effect on membrane currents of the investigated neurons. Our data provide evidence of participation of a3-, a5 and a7-containing receptors in the response to ACh. a3- and a5-subunits are associated in the same functional nAChRs that provide greater part of response to ACh in the most of submucosal neurons. However, in some neurones a7-containing nAChRs provide greater part of response to agonist.


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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.