Influence of dopamine on the activity of the brain sensory-motor cortex neuronsduring conditioned reflex
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kiev.
A changes of background and evoked activity of deep cortical
layers neurons and latency of the movement in the response to
the conditioned stimuli were investigated in cats chronical experiments
during microelectrode iontophoretic local aplication
of dopamine, its antagonists and antagonists of glutamatergic
and gabaergic transmission. It was shown, that application of
dopamine and others synaptically active substances near soma
of pyramidal neurons moderately increased their background
and evoked activity and did not sygnificantly change their
latency. Application of dopamine antagonists sulpiride and
SCH 23390 depressed the background and evoked impulse
activity and increased the latency of neuronal reaction and
conditioned movements. These effects were completely
removed by the aplication of the same antagonists together
with dopamine. Dopamine removed the depressing influence
on the background and evoked impulse activity and latency of
the conditioned reflexes evoked by application of antagonists
of glutamate ionotropic and metabotropic transmission ( AP-
4 and MCPG). The same stabilized influences were evoked by
the iontophoretic application of GABA antagonist bicuculline.
It was concluded that effects of dopamine are connected with
its local inhibitory influences on the inhibitory interneurons
and their synaptic endings on soma of pyramidal neurons.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.